Archive for category Uncategorized

Ambrose Bierce new year’s resolutions

Posted by on Saturday, 2 January, 2010

I do hereby firmly resolve that during one year from date I will not drink any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors of any kind whatsoever, except in case I may think it would be a good thing to temporarily suspend this pledge. I will not utter a profane word – unless in sport – without having been previously vexed at something. I will make use of no tobacco in any of its forms, unless I think it would be kind of nice. I will not steal no more than I have actual use for. I will murder no one that does not offend me, except for his money. I will commit highway robbery upon none but small school children, and then only under the stimulus of present or prospective hunger. I will not be false witness against my neighbor when nothing is to be made by it. I will be as moral and religous as the law shall compel me to be. I will run away with no man’s wife without her full and free consent, and never, no never, so help me heaven! will I take his children along. I won’t write any wicked slanders against anybody, unless be refraining I should sacrifice a good joke. I won’t whip any cripples, unless they come fooling about me when I am busy; and i will give all my roommates’ boots to the poor.

regEx in UltraEdit

Posted by on Thursday, 10 December, 2009


A list with http connection speeds
01:00:20 (49.79 KB/s) - `logs/http-mon-arl.txt' saved [1000000/1000000]
01:00:21 (48.56 KB/s) - `logs/http-mon-arl.txt' saved [1000000/1000000]
01:00:28 (361.03 KB/s) - `logs/http-mon-arl.txt' saved [1000000/1000000]

Now the KB/s should be added with a leading space if it’s 2-digit

UltraEdit speaks its own dialect of regular expressions but i prefer the pearl-style

So replace



( \1


( goups matches for backreferences, so it’s masked as \(
Start grouping by (
\d\d – 2 digits
. metachar matches anything so its masked as \.
) closes the backreference-group

Replaced by a simple ( and the referenced group \1 within the unmasked  ()
01:00:20 ( 49.79 KB/s) - `logs/http-mon-arl.txt' saved [1000000/1000000]
01:00:21 ( 48.56 KB/s) - `logs/http-mon-arl.txt' saved [1000000/1000000]
01:00:28 (361.03 KB/s) - `logs/http-mon-arl.txt' saved [1000000/1000000

Next generation of banking trojans

Posted by on Monday, 5 October, 2009

The Register reports that the bad guys steped up quite a bit.

Now quite sophisticated tactics:

  • spreading Trojans via JS and PDF flaws from somewhat legimate pages
  • reading keystrokes / logins
  • withdrawing only from positive accounts, trying to obscure the withdraws
  • taking screenshots (sounds like partial biomechanical processing)
  • Using money mules to obfuscate the money trail

It’s a dangerous internet out there

How to run a scam

Posted by on Sunday, 30 August, 2009

In difficult times people are looking for easy solutions for their problems. The old tricks work again.

Wired has a nice write up: how to run a scam

Filesharing: OGH erkennt das Provider Kundendaten nicht herausgeben dürfen

Posted by on Saturday, 15 August, 2009

Der Standard berichtet: Es gebe “keine Auskunftspflicht des Providers über die Daten (Namen und Anschrift) jener Nutzer, die kopierte Musiktitel aus dem Internet heruntergeladen haben.”

Somit ist es der Urheber-Verwertungsindustrie auf zivilrechtlichem Wege nicht möglich Filesharer zu belangen. Im Telekommunikationsgesetz (TKG) ist ein Verbot der Verkehrsdatenspeicherung und die Verpflichtung zur unverzüglichen Datenlöschung festgeschrieben.

Soviel zur Lage.

H1N1 “Schweinegrippe” – statistische Daten

Posted by on Tuesday, 4 August, 2009

Wired hat wiedermal bewiesen das man mit trockenen Statistiken und Mathematik auch etwas Spaß haben kann.

Weil wiedermal eine kleine Melung über die Grippe in den Nachrichten war: Wired vergleicht H1N1 mit der Spanischen Grippe von 1918 und … der Epedemie aus Stephen Kings The Stand.


Die Fatalität einer “normalen” Grippe liegt bei 20.000 Toten bei 5 Millionen Infizierten an pro Jahr in Deutschland. Macht 0,4%.

Bis zum Ende der Meldepflicht der Schweinegrippe-Fälle in Österreich waren 10.000 Fälle bekannt. Davon 2 Todesfälle. Daraus berechnet sich eine Mortalität von 0,02 %. Somit ist die normale Grippewelle viel eher zu fürchten als die Schweinegrippe.

Wired rechnete damals noch mit hoch angesetzten 0,7.

High Crimes Using Low-Tech Attacks

Posted by on Friday, 10 July, 2009

It’s not all about technology and hacking systems – plain old lying gets the bad guys the money. Again: be careful with your data.

Details can be found in the washingtonpost

Unser kleiner Sonnenschein ist flügge geworden

Posted by on Tuesday, 7 April, 2009

Unser kleiner Sonnenschein ist flügge geworden und hat sich auf eigene Beine gestellt.

Viel Glück auf deinem Weg

George Carlin – Language policy

Posted by on Sunday, 5 April, 2009

You will not hear me say: bottom line, game plan, role model, scenario, or hopefully.

I will not kick back, mellow out, or be on a roll.

I will not go for it and I will not check it out; I don’t even know what it is.

And when I leave here I definitely will not boogie.

I promise not to refer to anyone as a class act, a beautiful person or a happy camper. I will also not be saying “what a guy.” And you will not hear me refer to anyone’s lifestyle. If you want to know what a moronic word “lifestyle” is, all you have to do is realize that in a technical sense, Atilla the Hun had an active outdoor lifestyle.

I will also not be saying any cute things like “moi.” And I will not use the French adverb “tre” to modify any English adjectives. Such as “tre awesome,” “tre gnarly,” “tre fabou,” “tre intense,” or “tre out-of-sight.”

I will not say concept when I mean idea. I will not say impacted when I mean affected. There will be no hands-on state-of-the-art networking. We will not maximize, prioritize, or finalize…and we definitely will not interface.

There will also…there will also be no new-age lingo spoken here tonight. No support-group jargon from the human potential movement.

For instance, I will not share anything with you. I will not relate to you and you will not identify with me. I will give you no input, and I will expect no feedback. This will not be a learning experience, nor will it be a growth period.

There’ll be no sharing, no caring, no birthing, no bonding, no parenting, no nurturing. We will not establish a relationship, we will not have any meaningful dialogue and we definitely will not spend any quality time.

We will not be supportive of one another, so that we can get in touch with our feelings in order to feel good about ourselves. And if you’re one of those people who needs a little space…please…go the fuck outside.

– George Carlin, Doin’ it again, 1990


Posted by on Tuesday, 6 January, 2009

Haarverlust So, es ist passiert. Eine Veränderung hat stattgefunden.